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Brioche bread salad

Total Time30 mins


 Brioche bread from SWITZ
 Olive oil
 Dried green thyme
 Small red onion
 Small option
 Common wild thyme
 Colorful cherry tomatoes
 Peeled pomegranate
 Greek Kalamata olives, hollowed out
 Feta cheese with herbs, cut into small squares
 Pomegranate honey

Cut the desired amount of bread into small cubes and put it in a bowl, then add a little olive oil, a pinch of salt, and dried thyme.. Stir it well and then put it in the air fryer and fry it for a few minutes until it acquires a beautiful color and becomes crispy. It can also be roasted in the oven.


Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into medium-sized pieces and cut the onion into small slices and add them to a bowl, then add the pomegranate, wild thyme, feta cheese, and olives, then put the bread and a light pinch of salt and stir well.. We put the salad on a serving plate and then we prepare a mixture of olive oil And pomegranate molasses only and put it on top of the salad when serving to preserve the freshness of the bread.


If you want to prepare the salad in advance and keep it in the fridge, you can add bread at serving time to keep it crispy.