
Does Chef Suad Have Super Powers? Help Us Decide

Chef Suad does it all, from working full time in communication, being a mother of two, and running a page full of amazing recipes on the time, how does she do all that? Who knows, but what we do know everyone deserves to get to know someone like her! 
What’s your first memory of your love for cooking?
My first stab at cooking was when I first got married. I was feeling a little pressured to impress, but when I called my mom for a quick crash course, I did not imagine I would actually enjoy it as much as I did. 
When did you know you wanted to be a Chef?
I don’t consider myself a “chef” and don’t envision myself becoming one. When I think of the word “chef” I imagine someone who’s actually spent a good portion of their life studying the culinary arts, graduating from a culinary school, and working in a professional kitchen. I am a passionate cook. Someone who found peace and solace in the process of cooking, who finds it therapeutic, who loves making food and feeding others. 
What do you love most about your job?
This isn’t my job. It is my passion. I don’t actually get paid for this – not yet, at least. I have a full-time Communications job as a Senior Corporate Communications Manager, but I do this on the side. It is something I hope to grow, and I hope will one day become financially feasible for me to leave my day job. I love the chaos of being in the kitchen. Of taking simple ingredients and turning them into a delicious masterpiece.
Describe your style in three words?
Welcoming, cozy, maternal
Are you teaching your children how to cook and involving them in your career?
Yes! I love involving my kids in the kitchen with me, and they are always curious to try and make things on their own. This is something I would love to encourage in them because cooking is a true skill that teaches discipline, focus, patience, and perseverance. It is also highly rewarding with tangible results!

Check out Chef Suad’s Recipe here for more inspiration 
About The Author
Jane Doe
Jane Doe


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